We increase frontline responders’ capability to support victims of trafficking with an empathetic approach.
We equip responders with knowledge to support Vietnamese migrants and (potential) victims of human trafficking, modern slavery, and smuggling by conducting trainings for frontline responders and increasing collaboration among service providers within Vietnam and in destination and transit countries.
We focus on...
Capacity enhancement
Promoting victim-centered approaches and providing information and tools to increase cooperation from irregular migrants & reduce exploitation risk
Tools & resources
Creating learning materials, feedback surveys, and insight reports
Developing connections with local and international organizations to exchange knowledge and build capacity for responders to continually improve assistance for (potential) victims of trafficking, modern slavery, and smuggling
We implement...
Workshops (Online & In-Person)
Workshops to share best practices for responders and providers to engage with (potential) victims of trafficking and increase awareness of human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
CaRes discussion forum
The CaRes Forum for frontline practitioners to exchange timely information pertinent to Vietnamese migrants, and (potential) victims of trafficking, and form connections with other field experts.
Consultation & support services
Cultural mediation through consultation and our Skype support line to facilitate conversations between Vietnamese migrants, social service providers and frontline practitioners.
We are proud of...
Frontline responders trained
Increased in knowledge
Countries represented
Trainings conducted
Join us
Providing translation & interpretation support (Vietnamese, English, French, German, Polish, etc.). Email us at cares@pacificlinks.org.
Co-organizing training sessions and connect us with resources. Partner with us to provide assistance to Vietnamese (potential) victims of trafficking. Email us at cares@pacificlinks.org.
Share Knowledge
Joining and posting in our CaRes discussion forum to build a network of responders supporting Vietnamese (potential) victims of trafficking. Email us at cares@pacificlinks.org.
Bringing training sessions to frontline responders.